Elevate Your Vibration With Our Collection
Jewel London is a luxury conscious driven, high-end brand centered on the belief that nature’s energy can be harnessed to enhance our well-being. With a design aesthetic that combines inspiration from high vibrational gems, sacred symbols,  and cultures, we create pieces that are energetically healing, chic, modern, and highly sophisticated. 
Founder, Sidjae Angelique has brought together some of the most stylishly exquisite, luxurious, and amazingly bold and modern pieces of crystal art to adorn you. With a passionate naturally intuitive spirit, she is a Reiki Master, a former fashion model with a highly evolved spiritual side.
She has always been a lover of healing crystals but after the birth of her daughter Jewel she dove deeper into learning about the metaphysical properties of these magical gems. Her deep fascination guided her into making jewelry for herself and her daughter in order to adorn themselves with beautiful healing crystal energies daily.

After a years went by, one morning after completing her morning mantras/meditation session she decided it was divine time to share her love for her new found passion with the world. On that day, the birth of her brand was created " Jewel London" named after her daughter as her inspiration. Merging her love for high - fashion, sacred symbols, and healing crystal energy has put her on a sacred higher purpose life journey that has flourished beyond her wildest dreams.  Her creations aligns with natures energetic frequency through healing crystals, elevating positive vibrations while keeping you consciously stylish.

Mesmerize & allure a peaceful state of conscious reflection & mindfulness with our stunning natural gemstone collection. At Jewel London, we believe in the power of vibrational crystals and creating a lifestyle brand built around its radiance. Our aim to share knowledge on the manifesting possibilities with the energy that radiates from them. We design our creations to elevate your vibration and bring serenity to your day while being stylish, unique and fashion - forward .

Hand crafted with the highest craftsmanship, each piece holds unique properties to elevate positive effects on the mind and energetic body. Every piece features high-quality ethically sourced stones from across the globe which are intuitively hand-picked by our professional gemologists. 

Our vision at Jewel London is to inspire you through beautiful crystal gemstone designs to manifest your dreams, aspirations and to live your highest vibrational life. Evoke your greatness and higher self by reflecting nature’s vibration while wearing our energy - infused crystal pieces. Each piece of jewelry is intuitively selected and shipped with an infusion of love, light and reiki infused energy.